Our most memorable dental experiences come from childhood… getting cleanings, being frozen to fill cavities, and for some of us, getting braces and going up for follow-up appointments to adjust them. 

The way your dentist treated you then probably has an impact on what you expect from your dentist now. If your dentist then didn’t bother to explain what was going on, inflicted more pain than was necessary, was abrupt or rude, or did a fair share of finger-wagging at you, telling you to floss more and making you feel guilty, then, first, we completely understand, and second, we would like to change the story for you.

Especially after COVID, a time when many of us didn’t feel comfortable going to the dentist, we’re seeing some hesitation from some folks in booking a check-up, especially if it’s been a year, or multiple years, since you were last in a dentist’s chair.

At Vivo, our whole philosophy is built on patient-centered care, and this is what guides all of our relationships and decision-making. Regardless of your experiences in the past, or why you may be putting off a dental appointment now, please be rest assured that there is no judgment here.

As dentists, it is our job to use all our knowledge and skills to offer you a transparent and clarifying picture of your oral health right now, and give you many options to think about… before treatment.

We meet every patient with compassion, a down-to-earth perspective (we aren’t perfect with our teeth either, let’s be honest), and honestly, a joy in being able to come up with a treatment plan that addresses what you want.

We will never finger-wag, tell you only the most expensive option, or brush off any concerns or questions you have. We are here to create a treatment plan with you that will fit into your life like a puzzle piece.

So please, don’t hesitate to book a call with us. We’re here for you. We can’t wait to meet you and your smile.